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The Basque Rugby Federation and the Federation of breeders Pottoka race off Euskadi ( E.PO.FE. ) have reached a collaboration agreement to develop the image and presence of the pottoka .

Not surprisingly, this native Basque horse is the symbol of this sports club for years.
The agreement will allow several pottokas are present on special occasions when required the regional federations or clubs for the enjoyment of the younger fans.
In addition, soon will launch a contest of photographs and drawings of pottokas , and the chosen will become one of the logos of the Basque Federation of Rugby.
The chairman of the sports club , Iñaki Laskurain explained that pottoka was adopted as a symbol of the Federation because players of Basque rugby not usually noted for their large size , and pottoka " is an animal well built , have some intermediate measures and proportionate and a muscular and strong body. De character , however , they are fast , faithful and very resilient. " The agreement falls within the strategic plan of the Basque Federation to collaborate with beneficial initiatives for the company: "We understand well pottokas breeders . They're giving everything to care for one of the treasures of our identity We well understand rugby : There to give everything on the field for the shirt you love, for the people, and so on. therefore we share this way of being, and horse breeders , and we claim . "
The Federation of breeders Pottoka Basque race, this agreement sees "an opportunity to publicize the Pottoka horse race. Likewise pottoka curious thought this was the pet of the Basque rugby " .

Bizkaiko pottoka Gipuzkoako pottokazaleen elkartea Arabako Pottoka Elkartea

Joan XXIII, 16B - 20730 AZPEITIA(GIPUZKOA) - Tel.: 943 08 38 88 - info@pottoka.info

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