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New user

To gain access to your user menu you must register by filling out the form below.

As registered user you can buy or sell items of interest to the community, upload your own photos to to see all users in the community and display your preferred route to users who have the same passion: the horse and pottokas

*Necessary data

Personal data

Data Access

In fulfilment of that stipulated in the Constitutional Law 15/1999 of the 13th December concerning Protection of Personal Data, we wish to inform you that any personal data that you may provide us with may be entered into an automated file, for which EUSKADIKO POTTOKA ARRAZAKO PONEY HAZLEEN FEDERAZIOA // FEDERACION DE CRIADORES DE PONEY VASCO POTTOKA DE EUSKADI - E.PO.FE. - Joan XXIII, 16B - 20730 AZPEITIA(GIPUZKOA), is responsible, with the purpose of providing you with any information, products or services you may require, or in order to contact you. You may exercise your right to opposition, access, rectification and cancellation provided for in the Law by sending a letter to the above address or to the following e-mail: info@pottoka.info.

For more information, please consult our Privacy policy.

Bizkaiko pottoka Gipuzkoako pottokazaleen elkartea Arabako Pottoka Elkartea

Joan XXIII, 16B - 20730 AZPEITIA(GIPUZKOA) - Tel.: 943 08 38 88 - info@pottoka.info

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Analysis or measurement cookies

These are the cookies that allow us to track and analyze user behavior on our website in order to make improvements based on the analysis of usage data made by users of the service.

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We use some social media sharing add-ons, to allow you to share certain pages of our website on social networks. These add-ons set cookies so that you can correctly see how many times a page has been shared.